
Benicia Cannabis Program

Cannabis is an emerging industry in California where science and technology have merged with medicinal strains within the spirit of counterculture movement and the next phase of cultural integration. Cannabis’s cultivation techniques are preserving land and water resources of the natural environment and restoring wildlife habitat, which embodies Benicia’s sustainability values.

With the lowest excise fees in the region, a portfolio of appropriate buildings, and an ombudsman as point of contact for working through the license and permit process, Benicia welcomes manufacturing, cultivation, testing and distribution. Our entrepreneurial spirit and unparalleled location is a destination you won’t want to miss for your cannabis operation.

Start Here

To start your new cannabis business, contact:
Mario Giuliani, Deputy City Manager
707.746.4289 •

Lowest Cannabis Excise Tax Rates in the Region

Business Type Excise Tax Rate Unit
Distribution 1% Gross Receipts
Testing 1% Gross Receipts
Manufacturing 2% Year 1
2.5% Year 2
3.5% Year 3
Gross Receipts
Commercial Cultivation $5 year 1
$6 Year 2
$7 Year 3*
Per Square Foot

*Beginning January 1, 2022 rate will be adjusted each January 1 by San Francisco Area’s Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers as of previous October.

Doing Cannabis Business in Benicia

Step 1 conducted by the Benicia Office of Economic Development: (707) 746-4289
Steps 2-4 conducted by the Benicia Planning Department:
(707) 746-4320 or

Cannabis Resources

City of Benicia – Cannabis Resources

Cannabis Program, City of Benicia

State of California – Cannabis Resources


Many commercial and industrial cannabis operations will require upgrades to on-site utilities. PG&E is currently experiencing extended service delays after damage caused by wildfires. Operators, applicants, and property owners are recommended to contact PG&E and ask about service conditions that may affect their project.

Contact: Lawrence H. Acosta, MBA, Economic Development Specialist, Senior
Office: 650-598-7335, Mobile 510-362-5220, email